A boy or a girl?
Maybe you can decide.
Statistics suggest that the timing of
intercourse during your cycle may have some
correlation with the gender of the baby.
Male sperm swim faster but die sooner. If
you are trying for a boy, having sexual
intercourse the day of ovulation may
increase your chances.
Female sperm swim slower but live longer. If
you are trying for a girl, having sexual
intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation and
abstaining afterwards may increase your
By monitoring your monthly cycle you can be
more confident of when ovulation occurs. By
alerting you to when you are ovulating,
maybe Baby™ can therefore increase your
chances of influencing the gender of your
Please remember that although maybe Baby™
may help influence the gender of a child by
helping to identify ovulation, it in no way
guarantees the gender of children conceived
with its help.