Sometimes even perfectly
fertile couples have difficulty conceiving.
Many healthy couples take at least a year to
fall pregnant because there’s only a small
window of opportunity in which you can
conceive each month. That's why it's really
important to know when this fertile period
maybe Baby™ is a mini
microscope that helps you identify the
fertile period in which you can fall
pregnant. It works as the increased
oestrogen levels which occur in the period
around ovulation can be identified by
examining dried saliva.
the saliva dries the hormone causes a
fern-leaf pattern to develop
and this pattern can be seen through the maybe
Baby™ microscope.
So, maybe Baby™ helps you
predict when you are most likely to conceive.
No inconvenient, messy urine testing. No
complicated daily temperature charts. No
visits to the doctor. This simple saliva
test helps pinpoint when you are ovulating.
And because maybe Baby™
is re-usable month after month, it’s a
cost-effective alternative to single-use
fertility predictors, such as urine tests.